The NDAR academic software initiative
sponsored by NDAR and our partner software houses
NDAR and our partners have sponsored Academia by offering software and lecturing at very reduced rates since 1988: we are proud and honoured to work with many Schools and Universities in Europe and beyond!
Qualification for new or continuing Academic software licenses is easy, we just ask to know how our software contributes to the Curriculum at your Academic Institute, and how it is included in Class Syllabuses.
Please take a minute to tell us more about your School (you may answer in line and/or attach additional text/documents):
– Which Classes would our software be used in
– Who teaches these Classes (name and email, please)
– Does the teacher know how to use our software
– How many students attend each of the Classes referred to above
Research Programs
– Would our software be used in Research at your School
– If yes: spend a few words to describe
Laboratories / seminars
– Does your school offer laboratories / short seminars centered on one or more of the software products?
– If not:
– would you like to offer laboratories / short seminars based on our software?
– are you in a position to conduct laboratories / short seminars or would you like us to assist remotely and/or in person?
– If yes:
– which of our software product would be used?
– would it be of help if we were to assist remotely and/or in person?
– how else can we support you?
Guest Lectures
– Does your school foresee guest lectures?
– If yes: may we support / assist with lectures by ourselves (of course on topics requested by / agreed with you)
Moreover, to pay tribute to deserving Students and Academic Programs, a few years ago we introduced the NDAR Academic Excellence Award, to recognize outstanding Student work as identified by the School and Teachers:
NDAR Academic Excellence Award
NDAR sponsors an Academic Excellence Award program in partnership with Universities and Higher Education schools. More information is available in a separate document.
– Do any Students deserve special recognition for individual or group work
– If yes: spend a few words to describe
– Are there any research programs which deserve special recognition
– If yes: spend a few words to describe
Requesting Academic License
Depending on the software product, Academic licenses are available to qualified Academic Institutions and individual Students:
Please contact For academic software options and pricing. Students must provide official proof of current enrolment when ordering a student license.
We hope to be working together in the coming years!