Proof of status required for this educational license.
If you are a student with an acceptable form of academic ID at a primary school, secondary school, college, university, or career state-accredited school, you qualify to order a single user educational license. Provide one of the following with your order:
- Your tuition bill dated for the current school term
- Your transcript dated for the current school term
- Your current class schedule dated for the current school term
If you are a member of the faculty or staff with an acceptable form of academic ID* at a primary school, secondary school, college, university, or career state-accredited school, you qualify to order a single-user educational license. Provide one of the following with your order:
- Your current course schedule dated for the current school term
- Faculty/staff pay stub from the current school term
Any government accredited school can order single user educational licenses or lab licenses on a school purchase order or procurement card. Provide one of the following with your order:
- School’s tax exemption certificate
- Faculty/staff pay stub from the current school term
If you have any question about it, please contact us by email.
NDAR Recertified to Qualiopi, French Standard for Quality of Training Practice
/in News /by NDARNDAR et ENSTA Bretagne sont fières de décerner le Prix NDAR au meilleur Groupe dans l’exercice « Boucle-Navire » 2023
/1 Comment/in News /by NDARNDAR and ENSTA Bretagne Proudly Award the NDAR Best in Class Prizes to the Winners of the Ship Design Loop assignment 2023
/in News /by NDARNDAR attends the first OCX Implementor meeting
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NDAR now certified to Qualiopi, French standard for quality of Training practice
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NDAR and ENSTA Bretagne Proudly Award the NDAR Best in Class Prizes to the Winners of the Ship Design Loop assignment 2022
/in News /by NDAR