NDAR proudly announces the launching of the NDAR CFA Client Portal
The NDAR CFA portal (Commercial Form Application) provides customers with a private space in which to peruse the list of software products offered by NDAR, request quotes and/or invoices, automatically renew rents, leases and subscriptions, and a lot more !
Access is nominal, restricted to those designated by the client.
Quote and Invoice Requests are stored for future reference or actioned.
When a Quote request is actioned, the Quote is issued and emailed directly to the user requesting it in the NDAR CFA portal and made available in the client’s TEAM.
When an Invoice request is actioned, the Invoice is made available to NDAR staff for review before emailing it to the user requesting it in the NDAR CFA portal and making it available in the client’s TEAM.
Our design might be a little “engineering” (we are engineers after all 😊) but feedback is very positive: “easy”, “intuitive”, “efficient”, “quick” !
The app is written in Power Apps (included in most MS subscriptions) and launched as a web client from any browser, there is nothing to install ! The link is included in all the End of Period notifications sent automatically (of course) by NDAR.
Feedback, ideas and constructive critique are always welcome !